!! tab storage and log were just added! check them out! !!

now playing... The Mirror - Boob Radley

hello! i'm emmie :) thank you for visiting my site! i went pretty minimalistic for most of the pages, so my words come across better.

intro time! i'm emmie, 20y/o and my pronouns are she/her.
i'm currently applying for film school and if that doesn't work out, i'll be going for a bachelor in journalism.
i like film a lot (duh) and music is also very important to me.

check out the get to know me better page to learn about my favorite films and artists and to find links to me all over the web.

(my friends and i have a small film club that i will include here too on the salvation films page. this is currently a work in progress!)

i did computer science in high school and that's where i learned about html and css. i like the creative aspect of making a site from scratch. so many possibilities!

i wish i read more and i wish i was more sociable, but those are things i'm working on!

watching: kamen rider & chobits
reading: justine by lawrence durrell

to-do buttons page
landing page
add wall of text
more interests page
about the site page