02.03.25 tried to fix some responsiveness issues and added the guestbook !!
01.03.25 made this page !!
kota mori
is the name i use on a lot of socials just to hide my real identity. kota is an actor and my favorite one at that. he has only played in like 2 films though. bad film (2012) (my favorite film ever) and 964 pinocchio, the cyberpunk classic. he's also played as an extra in 2 super sentai series and he made me hyperfixate on super sentai timeranger once upon a time
its not that i kin him and using his name like that but i just really like that im probably the only person whos obsessed with him. i dont gatekeep tho. please go watch his movies, hes so great in them. this is him btw
hes so pretty and cool. i hope hes doing well in life now. what if hes dead... theres barely any info on him online. he shares a name with a famous soccer player so that doesnt help to find out stuff about him.
featured video
pre-label nell rules over my life, this vid in particular
90s and early 00s japanese indie and low budget films, cats, listening to sad music when sad, sun shining through the window, orange and green
nell, boob radley, shinsei kamattechan, tmge, akfg, kind of like spitting, infinite, duke, buzz, elliott smith, lots of screamo/skramz
this homepage will change its look like every 5 days cuz i just switch interests a lot and just like changing up things up. i will keep an archive of all the pervious versions somewhere. this first version is nell-themed <3